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The Importance of Sex Education and Reproductive Organ Health

The Importance of Sex Education and Reproductive Organ Health

Cases of sexual violence against children in recent times have attracted public attention. In fact, the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection noted that sexual violence against children and women reached the highest number in 2020, which was around 7,191 cases. Therefore, teaching sex education to children from an early age will help children to fortify themselves from the risk of violence and sexual harassment in the future. This was stated by Deputy Chair III of Stispol Wira Bhakti, Dr. Anak Agung Putu Sugiantiningsih, S.IP., M.AP., as a resource person in a webinar entitled "Healthy Women, Productive Women, Bali Rise" a series of Mother's Day commemorations held by the Prosperous Women Movement (GWS) Denpasar City in collaboration with Prima Medika Hospital, Thursday (23/12).
In the webinar through the Zoom Meeting application and live streaming via Youtube with the moderator of the Director of Prima Medika Hospital, dr. Putu Dian Ekawati, MPH., AA Putu Sugiantiningsih said that without an understanding of sexual education, children will find it difficult to fight this deviant treatment. "Unfortunately, there are still many parents and society who feel taboo and apathetic to talk about sexuality to their children," he said.
He added, parents should start instilling sex education starting from the most basic level, such as the introduction of body organs and their functions, so that children know why they are not allowed to do this and that, what must be done and maintained, so that they have self-integrity. knew there was an important part of his body that no one else should touch. "This is important to do so that children grow up to become quality young generations," he said.
According to Gung Tien, other benefits that will be obtained from providing sexual education to children from an early age, one of which is to stay away from their unhealthy thoughts and children become aware of every part of their body. They will also know which body parts are not allowed to be touched by strangers. In this way, children will be able to protect and respect their bodies better and children will be able to protect themselves and understand the dangers and problems of free sex and can maintain the upholding of moral values.
Meanwhile, dr. IA Chandranita Manuaba, Sp.OG, Subsp. Obginsos (K), M.M., a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology at RSD Mangusada, RSU Prima Medika and Niki Diagnistic Clinic, reminded the importance of maintaining the health of the female reproductive system. Reproductive organs have various functions and have a big impact on a woman, so her health needs to be maintained as early as possible and not waiting for problems to arise first. “Just like other body parts, female reproductive organs have a very important role. Therefore, it is appropriate for the health of women's reproductive organs to be treated so that they are protected from various disorders, such as infection or injury," he said.
He added, taking care of the female reproductive organs can be one way to protect themselves, their partners, and their long-term babies from various dangerous diseases. "So, take care of the female reproductive organs from now on, and don't forget to check with the doctor regularly. Lack of education on matters related to reproduction can trigger unwanted things. One of the things that often happens due to lack of socialization and education is sexually transmitted diseases,” he said. *SKB101

  • January 06, 2022