Sesetan Street No. 10, Denpasar, Bali 80223, Indonesia
Let's Join IVF Class February Session of Prima Medika Hospital!

Let's Join IVF Class February Session of Prima Medika Hospital!

Hello friends, don't miss it!

RSU IVF Unit. Prima Medika is holding a "TUBE BABY CLASS" which will be held on:

- Tuesday, 07 February 2023
-  At 11.00 WIT - done

-  via Zoom Meetings

Speaker :
-dr. Ilyas Angsar, SpOG (K)

Please register by completing the required data by clicking the following link:

Join with the Meeting ID below:
Meeting ID : 935 5029 9889
Passcode: 190702

Under the condition :
- Please turn off the microphone during the event (mute)
- Participants are requested to join 15 minutes before the event starts)
- Each participant can ask questions after the question and answer session was opened by the speaker

Dont Miss It

  • February 06, 2023